Tagged: Jane Adams


Brigsby Bear (2017)

Kyle Mooney (Zoolander 2, Hello My Name is Doris) co-writes and stars in this comic tale of a man-child named James who grows up in an extremely sheltered existence in a remote bunker in Utah,...


Poltergeist (2015)

They’re ba-a-a-ack… 1982’s Poltergeist, directed by Tobe Hooper and co-written by (and likely co-directed by) producer Steven Spielberg, remains one of my favorite horror films of all time, drafting up the blueprint for most haunting-in-the-house productions...


The Anniversary Party (2001)

It’s sort of a poor man’s Big Chill, complete with Kevin Kline, in this multi-character piece reportedly shot entirely with DV cameras in 19 days, with roles written specifically for the friends of writer-director-stars Cumming...