Tagged: Jane Fonda


The Electric Horseman (1979)

Redford (All the President’s Men, Three Days of the Condor) and Fonda (Coming Home, Nine to Five) reunite for the third and final time starring together in a film, and the result is an amiable but...


Georgia Rule (2007)

Lily (Huffman, The Spanish Prisoner) drives her delinquent, habitually-lying 17-year-old daughter, Rachel (Lohan, Chapter 27), to Idaho to stay with her strict grandmother, Georgia (Fonda, Monster-in-Law), in the hopes that she will learn to behave.  Rachel doesn’t even...


9 to 5 (1980)

9 to 5 is a mild, but likable office comedy that spins its laughs around a serious issue — sexual harassment and gender discrimination.  In the offices run by Franklin Hart Jr. (Coleman), the...


Agnes of God (1985)

Agnes of God is, at its heart, two mysteries in one.  There is a small mystery, which is the main plot of the movie, and then there is a big mystery — or I should...