Tagged: Jeff Nathanson


The Terminal (2004)

Steven Spielberg follows up one of his lighter films, Catch Me If You Can, with an even frothier affair in The Terminal, another film inspired by a true story catapulted to the realm of the fantastic through...


For Better or Worse (1995)

Not exactly the directorial debut that Seinfeld favorite Jason Alexander would have hoped for, For Better or Worse is little more than a ninety-minute collection of strained situations and unfunny moments.  The problems start early, as it...


Catch Me If You Can (2002)

I suppose it’s a long time coming for Steven Spielberg to take a break from his string of very serious films (Amistad, Saving Private Ryan, A.I., and Minority Report) to do something fun, and if there’s...


Rush Hour 2 (2001)

I’ve heard that sometimes in comedy it’s not what you say but the way you say it that will inspire laughs.  After watching Rush Hour 2, you’d think the makers took this philosophy as the...