Tagged: Jeremy Piven


The Player (1992)

Tim Robbins (Cadillac Man, Tapeheads) plays hotshot Hollywood studio exec Griffin Mill, who believes that he may soon be on the outs with the studio now that they’ve hired another up-and-comer in Larry Levy (Gallagher, Sex...


Kiss the Girls (1997)

Kiss the Girls is a film based on the James Patterson bestseller, slickly directed by Gary Fleder (Impostor, Runaway Jury), and relatively engaging until about the final third of the film.  Like so many mystery-thrillers, there...


Two for the Money (2005)

Arresting but inherently flawed, Two for the Money engages with quality performances, particularly by Pacino, and yet, it’s still too bombastic in its delivery to ever take seriously enough to leave any lasting impression.  In...


PCU (1994)

As a five minute skit on a television comedy show, PCU could have been a scathingly funny take on the increasing abundance of political correctness that has been permeating college campuses across the country.  As an...


Chasing Liberty (2004)

Chasing Liberty posed quite a challenge for me to review, as every few minutes I had to force myself to pay attention and not completely zone out.  Quite frankly, I don’t know why I bothered...


Old School (2003)

In my review for Road Trip, I gave the sophomoric hit negative points due to its “shameful laziness” in delivering a script that “a group of real college kids could write over the course of...


Serendipity (2001)

The Hollywood idea of love: the less you know about the person you find attractive, the more in love you are.  It’s really ok to throw away that close relationship you have with a...