Tagged: Jerry Zucker


Top Secret! (1984)

Top Secret! is another laugh-a-minute screwball comedy from the comic minds of Zucker-Abrahams-Zucker, the trio that brought you Airplane!  This time out, they skewer a variety of targets, predominantly war films (World War II, generally), musicals, and...


Rat Race (2001)

I am not sure which is the most astonishing feat evidenced from watching Rat Race: Jerry Zucker not providing laughs or in the very fact that Rat Race could get a green light to be made to...


The Kentucky Fried Movie (1977)

Three years before the trio of comedy writers of Jim Abrahams, David Zucker and Jerry Zucker (Top Secret!, Ruthless People) would score their mega-hit Airplane!, they made this sporadically funny, screwball vignette comedy flick which...