Tagged: Jet Li


Fist of Legend (1994)

Fist of Legend is the updated remake of the classic Bruce Lee film, The Chinese Connection, this time starring Hong Kong superstar Jet Li.  Lee’s are big shoes to fill for the diminutive Li, but if anyone...


Cradle 2 the Grave (2003)

Cradle 2 the Grave marks the third hip hop kung fu gangsta flick from Polish cinematographer Bartkowiak (Romeo Must Die and Exit Wounds being the other two), and the result isn’t bad, it’s just more of the same.  Cradle is...


Hero (2002)

With the success of Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, it seemed easy to surmise that we were going to see more kung-fu epics emerge shortly thereafter.  Hero is the first formidable one of these to emerge from China, and...


Kiss of the Dragon (2001)

I have mixed feelings about the Hong Kong stars that leave to make bigger budget films once they have make a name for themselves.  Perhaps the producers and directors of the American/European films just...


Once Upon A Time in China (1991)

Definitely not to be viewed for a peek at historical accuracy, but definitely worth watching for the unbelievable martial arts talents of its star, OUATIC is a classic Hong Kong action flick that is more entertaining...


Romeo Must Die (2000)

War erupts between Oakland’s rival African-American and Asian-American crime families when the son of an Asian kingpin is found dead after crashing a Black club. Han Sing (Jet Li), brother of the deceased, escapes...


The Legend of the Swordsman (1992)

When two warring factions in Ancient Japan, the mainlanders and the highlanders, go to war, Ling (Li, Once Upon a Time in China) and his school of martial artists head to the mountains. While there, he...


The Legend II (1993)

Martial arts expert Fong Sai Yuk (Jet Li, Once Upon a Time in China) is back, this time trying to stop a mutiny within the ranks of the Red Flower Society. He also gets caught in...


High Risk (1995)

A ruthless kidnapper kills a bomb squad inspector’s wife and child along with dozens of other children in a failed attempt for ransom. He enters a life of obscurity, becoming a bodyguard and sometime...


Lethal Weapon 4 (1998)

LAPD Detectives Riggs (Gibson, Conspiracy Theory) and Murtaugh (Glover, The Rainmaker) are back on the streets, this time trying to bring down a Chinese Triad who are involved in importing Chinese slaves, and using them to counterfeit money...