Tagged: jewelry


Uncut Gems (2019)

Edgy sibling filmmakers Benny and Joshua Safdie had their hearts set on making Uncut Gems shortly after the release of their acclaimed semiautobiographical 2009 dramedy Daddy Long Legs (aka Go Get Some Rosemary). It’s...


Cradle 2 the Grave (2003)

Cradle 2 the Grave marks the third hip hop kung fu gangsta flick from Polish cinematographer Bartkowiak (Romeo Must Die and Exit Wounds being the other two), and the result isn’t bad, it’s just more of the same.  Cradle is...


City on Fire (1987)

There is no denying that City on Fire was an influence on Quentin Tarantino, a notorious aficionado of Hong Kong flicks, and his first film, Reservoir Dogs.  In fact the last 20 minutes of this film can...


Heist (2001)

Just when I thought David Mamet was finally starting to hit his stride as a director, he shows his amateurishness once again.  However, this is not as surprising as the downturn in the quality...


The Twelve Chairs (1970)

It’s the Mel Brooks film very few have heard of, and for long periods of time since, wasn’t available for most to rent or purchase.  There is a DVD out of it now, the...


Reservoir Dogs (1992)

Every few years, I’ll watch Reservoir Dogs again just to see if my opinion changes on it, since it has a fervent following of fans that maintain its brilliance among films.  Without fail, my opinion stays...


Snatch (2000)

“Mr. Madonna”, Guy Ritchie, follows up his splash debut to Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels with another wryly comic (and violent) crime piece with Snatch.  Like the previous film, it features a cast of almost two...