Tagged: Jon Favreau


Swingers (1996)

Jon Favreau stars as Mike, is a recently relocated New Yorker trying to make it big as a comedian/actor in Hollywood, but finding that the road to his dreams is filled with one detour...


PCU (1994)

As a five minute skit on a television comedy show, PCU could have been a scathingly funny take on the increasing abundance of political correctness that has been permeating college campuses across the country.  As an...


Elf (2003)

Comedian Will Ferrell and director Jon Favreau have done funny work in comedies that are more adult, mean-spirited, and on many occasions, vulgar.  Expectations for their Christmas comedy, Elf, would lead you to think this might...


Daredevil (2003)

Following hot on the heels of the latest wave of superhero films based on characters from Marvel’s House of Ideas, which recently has given us Blade, X-Men, and the blockbuster smash, Spider-Man, comes one of their most...


Made (2001)

Fans of Jon Favreau’s first effort, Swingers, have eagerly anticipated a follow-up to one of their most beloved films by the same creative mind. However, whether or not Favreau’s latest film, Made, is a success or...


Love & Sex (2000)

One of the main staples in storytelling, whether in cinema or in literature, has been that of the quest for the perfect mate.  The ground on “Searching for Mr. Right” has been tread on...


The Replacements (2000)

The players of professional football go on strike with four weeks to go in the season and the owners decide to call in replacement players to finish out the year.  Gene Hackman plays the...


Very Bad Things (1999)

Five friends go to Vegas for a bachelor party and one of them ends up accidentally killing a prostitute, and later a security guard who stumbles on the body. They decide to cover it...