Tagged: Julie Andrews


Trail of the Pink Panther (1982)

Peter Sellers, who played the bumbling yet highly effective Inspector Clouseau, died on July 24, 1980, and to whom Trail of the Pink Panther, which was released 2.5 years after his death, would be dedicated....


10 (1979)

George Webber (Moore) is a successful, famous music writer and pianist, just turning 42, in a relationship with an adoring woman, Samantha (Andrews), living in a fantastic house, and all the amenities that come...


Shrek 2 (2004)

A sheer delight from beginning to end, Shrek 2 manages to be even better than its now classic predecessor in scope and humor value.  Whether or not the pop references and modern jokes will stand the...


The Sound of Music (1965)

Watching THE SOUND OF MUSIC for the first time as an adult is a bit akin to biting into a chocolate covered cherry after eating a box of salty crackers.  Such overwhelming sweetness, and...


Torn Curtain (1966)

Long considered a critical misfire despite it’s commercial success, Torn Curtain is an Alfred Hitchcock film deserving of another look by those who might consider it lesser Hitchcock fare.  While it is undeniably not a...