Tagged: Kari Wuhrer


The Air I Breathe (2007)

A Chinese proverb inspires four interconnected stories that deal with four interrelated emotions (Love, Pleasure, Sorrow, and Happiness) explored in this ambitious, but highly flawed dramatic thriller by first-time feature film writer-director, Jieho Lee. ...


Anaconda (1997)

Either a terrible A-list movie or a great B-movie, depending on your point of view, Anaconda is by all accounts one of the schlockiest large budget releases to ever come from a major studio.  Even...


Eight Legged Freaks (2002)

Sometimes it’s best to let sleeping genres lie.  Eight Legged Freaks is an attempt to bring back the b-movie creature features with enhanced CGI for today’s more discriminating audiences.  Ellory Elkayem writes and directs it,...