Tagged: Keir Dullea


The Accidental Husband (2008)

Warning: The following review will contain some spoilers, especially the first paragraph.  The film is so predictable, this caveat is somewhat debatable, but I still feel the need to offer a fair warning.  Read...


Black Christmas (1974)

Although John Carpenter’s 1978 film, Halloween, is widely called by many people the first of the true modern slasher films, many genre enthusiasts point to this little Canadian shocker, released four years earlier, as the one...


The Good Shepherd (2006)

Now here’s a movie that will surely test your movie watching mettle.  Excessively lengthy, emotionally cold as ice, and thematically overambitious, The Good Shepherd will draw its share of detractors from the impatient, the confused,...


2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)

Stanley Kubrick determined to take science fiction seriously and away from laser-blasting bug-eyed monsters. He imagined what life might be like when people could travel at the speed of light. Done in Cinerama screens....