Tagged: Laura Dern


Citizen Ruth (1996)

There is a George Carlin routine in which he states that given the right context, there really is no taboo subject for comedy. He states that even something as serious as rape can be...


Dr. T and the Women (2000)

One of the sad aspects of watching a once great director strive to get back to his position of glory is in seeing him aiming for greatness even when the material clearly won’t allow...


Blue Velvet (1986)

Here’s one of these polarizing movies you either love or hate. I guess I fit into the former category, though I must admit writer-director Lynch (Mulholland Drive, The Elephant Man) has never impressed me...


Jurassic Park (1993)

Jurassic Park‘s origin starts with author Michael Crichton in 1981. While Crichton attended a museum dinosaur exhibit. he observed a young child calling out species of dinosaurs during a slideshow presentation. Realizing their universal...