Tagged: Lena Headey


Pride and Prejudice and Zombies (2016)

Seth Grahame-Smith’s tongue-in-cheek reimagining of Jane Austen’s 19th Century classic romance novel finally hits theater screens, perhaps a bit too late to catch either the zombie craze or the fervor for Jane Austen adaptations...


300: Rise of an Empire (2014)

Readers who’ve seen my review of Zack Snyder’s 300 won’t be surprised to learn that its prequel/sequel, 300: Rise of an Empire, doesn’t meet well with me.  It’s more of the same poorly scripted, intensely jacked-up, copiously...


The Purge (2013)

I wish there were a day every year that we, the audience, could just purge all of the memories of films like this. The premise: In the near future, the United States’ government has...


300 (2007)

How should a film reviewer who has a degree in Classics, who is a Frank Miller fan, and who has read the mini-series upon which it is based approach a film version without expectations? ...


The Remains of the Day (1993)

Another beautifully crafted literary adaptation from the team of Ismail Merchant and James Ivory, The Remains of the Day ranks among their very best work.  Their names are already synonymous with the genre of the British...