Tagged: LL Cool J


Krush Groove (1985)

Krush Groove resides firmly on my list of guilty pleasures — a film that generates unintentional laughs from its worst moments, but which only makes me love it all the more for it, to the point...


Last Holiday (2006)

Last Holiday remakes the 1950 classic in typically contrived Hollywood fashion, ratcheting up the cuteness factor, while plausibility and any sense of subtlety are largely absent for the duration.  What it does have is...


S.W.A.T. (2003)

S.W.A.T. is the type of movie that can be either side of the same coin, so your enjoyment of it will greatly depend on your expectations going in.  The trailer might have you thinking that...


Deep Blue Sea (1999)

If there’s one thing Hollywood needs to learn is that Jaws is the definitive shark terror movie. There has never been another remotely close to being as good and there probably never will be. Deep Blue Sea is...