Tagged: Lou Diamond Phillips


Young Guns (1988)

Those who think Young Guns one of the best Westerns ever made must either not have seen many or have incredibly short term memories.  I would not even claim that Young Guns is a good film at all,...


Supernova (2000)

What starts out as intriguing if derivative sci-fi soon descends into meaningless horror and in the end a real letdown from a cast and crew of professionals who should know better. From the fact...


The Big Hit (1998)

A crew of hitmen make the fatal blunder of kidnapping a young Chinese daughter (Chow, Sol Goode) of a wealthy businessman for ransom. One major problem: the girl is their boss’ goddaughter and he wants...


Courage Under Fire (1996)

Captain Karen Walden (Ryan, Sleepless in Seattle) is the first woman ever to be nominated for the military’s vaunted Medal of Honor after dying in a seemingly heroic effort in the Gulf War.  A colonel named...