Tagged: Luke Wilson


Vacancy (2007)

David (Wilson) and Amy (Beckinsale) are a bitterly bickering couple whose marriage is on the skids, detouring down a windy rural road for hours, completely lost. When car troubles force them off the road, they have...


Idiocracy (2006)

Idiocracy is a sometimes dead-on satire built around writer-director Mike Judge’s perceived dumbing down of America due to current trends in education, entertainment, and politics.  In some ways, I think it effectively states what a...


The Third Wheel (2002)

Filmed way back in 1999, The Third Wheel was kept in movie limbo for many years, finally seeing some theater action in Europe in 2002, years before heading straight to video in the US in 2004. ...


Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy (2004)

Will Ferrell delivers again, with a little help from his friends, in this scattershot comedy that manages to hit just enough hilarious moments to look past the fact that there isn’t a well-developed, cohesive...


Charlies Angels: Full Throttle (2003)

I’m not sure if there’s a need for debate as to whether the first Charlie’s Angels is better than the second, as film-making this superficial doesn’t really merit much thought or analysis, but I can...


Alex and Emma (2003)

Alex & Emma is Rob Reiner’s first film in over four years, and after crafting some of the better popular entertainment films of the 80s, it now seems that he might have lost his golden...


Old School (2003)

In my review for Road Trip, I gave the sophomoric hit negative points due to its “shameful laziness” in delivering a script that “a group of real college kids could write over the course of...


Legally Blonde (2001)

It’s time Reese Witherspoon finally comes to terms with the fact that she could very well be the most appealing comedienne working in films today.  If she were to do more comedies and fewer...


Home Fries (1998)

Starting off with a particularly awful scene of two brothers chasing down their philandering stepfather with a military helicopter until he dies of a heart attack, this comedy starts off bad and gets progressively...


Bottle Rocket (1996)

A terrific start of sorts for most of the people involved creatively in this quirky but extremely fun tale.  Director Wes Anderson, who later went on to gain more respect with Rushmore, seems to have...