Tagged: Maine


Pet Sematary (2019)

Pet Sematary is the second film adaptation of the Stephen King novel first published in 1983. It’s not radically different from the first attempt in 1989, which had been one of the rare times...


Pet Sematary (1989)

Stephen King adapts his own best-selling novel about a family of four who move from Chicago to a country house in Maine, right next to a bustling street with speeding fuel trucks in the...


Dreamcatcher (2003)

Dreamcatcher is one long, glorious turd of a movie that will possibly go down as a fave cult film for some, while completely bewildering the rest of the audiences out there. From initial appearances feels like...


The Cider House Rules (1999)

Cider House Rules was the big surprise in the nomination for Best Picture of 1999.  Did it deserve it?  In my opinion, not when Magnolia, Being John Malkovich, and Election were not on the list.  Those are films which...


The Iron Giant (1999)

A giant robot (voiced by Vin Diesel, Saving Private Ryan) falls to Earth from outer space and startles the people of a small Maine town called Rockwell in 1957. A young boy (Marienthal, American Pie) encounters the gigantic...


Lake Placid (1999)

Some murky lake in the middle of Maine (which isn’t the real Lake Placid) is home to a 30-foot long gargantuan crocodile which is consuming much of the wildlife around it, including a human...