Tagged: Manhattan


The Day After Tomorrow (2004)

Some people have been calling The Day After Tomorrow a throwback to the Irwin Allen disaster films of the 1970s, but in reality, it is more of a throwback to the disaster films of the...


Manhattan Murder Mystery (1993)

Although the film deals with murder at the core of the plot, Manhattan Murder Mystery proves to be one of the lightest of Woody Allen’s films, playing everything as a straight comedy, and the result is...


Manhattan (1979)

There may forever be arguments as to which film is Woody Allen’s best, with Annie Hall perhaps gaining the most attention.  However, if the question were regarding which film most exemplified Woody Allen as a great...


Maid in Manhattan (2002)

If you are someone who absolutely never gets tired of hearing the tale of Cinderella in all its various forms, perhaps Maid in Manhattan will be worthwhile for you.  However, anyone looking for a moving...


Godzilla (1998)

The Godzilla films originated in Japan during the 1950s as an allegory for the deadly destruction of nuclear weapons, embodied in a creature created by massive radiation imbued with cataclysmic powers. Its production house,...


Eyes Wide Shut (1999)

When his wife (Kidman) reveals to a young Manhattan doctor (Cruise) fantasies of infidelity with a strange Navy man from years ago, it kicks the doctor off into an odyssey of sexual fantasies of his own,...