Tagged: marvel


Spider-Man 3 (2007)

In this third installment of the popular superhero franchise, Peter Parker (Maguire, Seabiscuit) is all set to pop the question to the love of his life, Mary Jane Watson (Dunst, Marie Antoinette).  Unfortunately, every time he gets...


The Punisher (1989)

Back in the day, Marvel-licensed superhero flicks weren’t so hot, and The Punisher‘s only real claim to success was that it was at least better than Captain America.  2004 will see another attempt at telling the...


Hulk (2003)

“You’re making me angry.  You wouldn’t like me when I’m angry.” Oh yes, we would, Bruce!  It’s about the only time we do like you, as without the few scenes where we get to...


Spider-Man (2002)

Initially, it was somewhat of a disappointment to hear that what once was supposed to be a James Cameron project would eventually digress into the hands of Sam “Evil Dead” Raimi.  Raimi was the...