Tagged: Mary Steenburgen


Last Vegas (2013)

About once every couple of months, we can count on a release that pits together a group of likeable, veteran actors for a romp in which we can see them in a fun, frivolous...


Goin’ South (1978)

Jack Nicholson stars as a horse thief, Henry Moon, who’s rounded up by the local posse of a small Texas town and sentenced to hang.  Due to the lack of men coming back from...


Melvin and Howard (1980)

There are a few acclaimed films that seem very fresh and original at the time, but over time, they are forgotten by most except the people who championed them because they really weren’t as...


Elf (2003)

Comedian Will Ferrell and director Jon Favreau have done funny work in comedies that are more adult, mean-spirited, and on many occasions, vulgar.  Expectations for their Christmas comedy, Elf, would lead you to think this might...


i am sam (2001)

I Am Sam is one of those films you want to like because you like the characters, but the filmmakers refuse to stick them in a good film.  It’s almost as if writer/director Jessie...