Tagged: Matt Damon


Ocean’s Thirteen (2007)

One wonders how much my enjoyment of this third installment of the Oceans series is influenced by the fact that the second, Ocean’s Twelve, had been a disappointment to most of those who loved Ocean’s Eleven.  Perhaps it...


The Adjustment Bureau (2011)

The Adjustment Bureau is the latest Hollywood adaptation of a Philip K. Dick work, this time of one of his short stories, “Adjustment Team” (one presumes the title was changed to ‘Bureau’ to make the...


The Bourne Ultimatum (2007)

Jason Bourne is back, and he’s still being chased by a faction of the CIA who have insidiously been trying to keep the details of his origin and missions under wraps for fear of...


The Good Shepherd (2006)

Now here’s a movie that will surely test your movie watching mettle.  Excessively lengthy, emotionally cold as ice, and thematically overambitious, The Good Shepherd will draw its share of detractors from the impatient, the confused,...


Syriana (2005)

Gripping in parts, convoluted and stagnant in others, Syriana is screenwriter Steven Gaghan’s attempt to provide an insider’s peek into the varying forces at play in the continuing Middle Eastern oil and terrorism struggles, similar...


The Bourne Identity (2002)

Based on the old bestseller by Robert Ludlum, The Bourne Identity might have also been a classic movie had it been made around the time it was written. However, being made in a time long after...


Ocean’s Eleven (2001)

The amazing Steven Soderbergh is at it again, showing a mastery of a new genre with almost every film he’s made.  After the Academy Award nominated films Erin Brockovich and Traffic, Soderbergh goes for a fun and...


Chasing Amy (1997)

Without a doubt, Chasing Amy ranks as Kevin Smith’s best work to date, both as a writer and director. Coming off of his ambitious but critically panned Mallrats,it’s a good thing, as it probably saved his career....


The Talented Mr. Ripley (1999)

Fittingly enough, this Hitchcockian suspenser was based on a book by Patricia Highsmith, who also wrote the book a Hitchcock classic was based on, STRANGERS ON A TRAIN. Somewhat similar in themes, this one...