Tagged: Meryl Streep


Manhattan (1979)

There may forever be arguments as to which film is Woody Allen’s best, with Annie Hall perhaps gaining the most attention.  However, if the question were regarding which film most exemplified Woody Allen as a great...


The Hours (2002)

The Hours is the kind of film that either has resonance with you or it doesn’t.  It didn’t really for me, but being a young(ish) male, I doubt that it was necessarily meant to. ...


Adaptation. (2002)

I have to be honest here.  After being completely mesmerized by the first hour or so of the latest Charlie Kaufman/Spike Jonze collaboration, Adaptation, I had a notion it would easily be my favorite film of...


Defending Your Life (1991)

Defending Your Life is a wryly witty and very amusing comedy from the mind of writer-director Albert Brooks, who gives a hilarious take on the process of what happens after we die.  Apparently, we all...