Tagged: Michael Biehn


The Terminator (1984)

The simple premise: A killer android (played by Arnold Schwarzenegger) is sent back to 1984 to assassinate the mother (Linda Hamilton) of a resistance leader of the future. A soldier of that resistance (Michael Biehn) is also...


The Abyss (1989)

Despite never experiencing the ocean growing up, Cameron became fascinated with marine science after ravenously watching TV documentaries by Jacques Cousteau, getting dive certified at the age of seventeen. He attended weekly lectures at...


Grindhouse (2007)

The term “grindhouse” is attributed to a style of films that were regularly churned out in the 1970s that were predicated on delivering exploitative, sensationalist subject matter in order to entertain a defined audience...


Aliens (1986)

Debates may rage on as to whether Aliens is actually a better film than Alien, and I’m of two minds myself on it myself, but regardless of the conclusion, one thing is clear — they are...


The Rock (1996)

Those who read my site regularly will know that I have little respect for Michael Bay’s style of direction and even less for mega-producer Jerry Bruckheimer’s bloated, mind-numbing, explosion-ridden action flicks.  You may be surprised...


Tombstone (1993)

I remember in an English class in college, getting a “B+” on a paper I could easily have gotten an “A” on.  Although I remember it was something about the Shakespeare play, “Romeo and...