Tagged: Michael Chabon


Layer Cake (2004)

Adapted by J.J. Connelly from the novel of the same name, Layer Cake was slated to be a Guy Ritchie project, but instead, the producer of Ritchie’s movies, Matthew Vaughn, gives himself the nod as...


Spider-Man 2 (2004)

Spider-Man 2 is a bit of an oddity for an action-packed superhero summer blockbuster.  Perhaps no other in the genre has ever bothered devoting so much effort into character development, which is quite the gamble...


Wonder Boys (2000)

Director Curtis Hanson follows up his brilliant L.A. CONFIDENTIAL with another impressive outing.  WONDER BOYS stars Michael Douglas as Grady Tripp, a college professor and one time successful writer with a severe case of writer’s block....