Tagged: Michael Gambon


Paddington (2014)

From the appearance of the terrible pratfall-filled trailer, Paddington would appear like one of those anthropomorphic misfires in the vein of Kangaroo Jack or Yogi Bear. The film had some dubious press in the late days of its production...


The King’s Speech (2010)

An atypical underdog story, The King’s Speech is a well executed piece through and through, featuring very fine performances, good character touches and wit in the script (David Seidler, Tucker), Tom Hooper’s (The Damned United,“John Adams”) consummate direction,...


The Good Shepherd (2006)

Now here’s a movie that will surely test your movie watching mettle.  Excessively lengthy, emotionally cold as ice, and thematically overambitious, The Good Shepherd will draw its share of detractors from the impatient, the confused,...


The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou (2004)

Unlike some other critics, I didn’t go into The Life Aquatic with any expectations of greatness.  I’ve only fallen asleep while watching two movies in my lifetime, and one of those movies happened to be Wes...


Open Range (2003)

It’s been a while since Kevin Costner has been in a hit film, in fact, you’d have to go back to 1991’s JFK to find one that wasn’t considered at least a minor disappointment (notable exception: Thirteen...


The Rachel Papers (1989)

Call it a British version of Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, only less successful.  Normally I would knock a film for clearly going into plagiarist mode in style, but to be honest. when it’s in Ferris-mode,...


Sleepy Hollow (1999)

Director Tim Burton has a following of individuals who prefer to be dazzled by art design and costumes than through suspenseful cinematic technique. If all it took to be a good movie was to...