Tagged: Michael Nouri


Flashdance (1983)

A surprise hit of 1983, and influential in the dance-film genre on its own, Flashdance came at the right time, as MTV-style rock video editing and music montages became the norm for hits at the box...


61* (2001)

Hardcore baseball (and Yankees) fan Billy Crystal directs this sentimental memento on one of the greatest races in sports history: chasing Babe Ruth’s vaunted single-season home run record.  Made for HBO on a modest budget...


Last Holiday (2006)

Last Holiday remakes the 1950 classic in typically contrived Hollywood fashion, ratcheting up the cuteness factor, while plausibility and any sense of subtlety are largely absent for the duration.  What it does have is...


The Hidden (1987)

Screenwriter Jim Kouf came up with the plot of The Hidden after was musing about the escalating reports of random acts of violence he watched on the evening news. Often the perpetrator is described...