Tom & Jerry (2021)
Back in 2009, after the success of hybrid animated/live-action features that bring back old cartoon characters like 2007’s Alvin & The Chipmunks and the Scooby-Doo flicks from 2002 and 2004, Warner Bros. put into development...
Back in 2009, after the success of hybrid animated/live-action features that bring back old cartoon characters like 2007’s Alvin & The Chipmunks and the Scooby-Doo flicks from 2002 and 2004, Warner Bros. put into development...
In this second solo Ant-Man adventure, set before the cataclysmic events in the climax of The Avengers: Infinity War, ex-burglar Scott Lang (Rudd, Mute) is found serving out the final days of his two-year sentence under...
2010s / Action / Comedy / Thriller
by Vincent Leo · Published February 9, 2017 · Last modified July 10, 2018
Back in the late 1990s, there were quite a number of Tarantino knockoffs to come out — hard-boiled and very violent thrillers that featured lots of quirky characters and attempts at amusing, anecdotal conversations...
2010s / Action / Comedy / Science Fiction / Superhero
by Vincent Leo · Published July 21, 2015 · Last modified July 4, 2018
A bit of an also-ran in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Ant-Man may not have the ready-made name recognition of the rest of the Avengers, but it does tie in with the overall story arc of the...
2010s / Action / Drama / Thriller
by Vincent Leo · Published November 21, 2012 · Last modified August 8, 2018
Written and directed by David Ayer (Street Kings, SWAT), the filmmaker with a special interest in the workings of the Los Angeles PD, the city where he was raised, in End of Watch, he has directed his...
Oliver Stone (U Turn, JFK) is no stranger to controversy, and making World Trade Center only five years after many Americans had witnessed the most disturbing sight in their lifetimes certainly ripped open wounds in the...
With its large cast and interweaving storylines of tragedy, the comparisons to Magnolia are probably warranted, although Paul Haggis’ Crash doesn’t come close to capturing the inspiration and artistic heights of the film it emulates. Still, the...
Reviews from film writer Vince Leo, covering all eras and genres of films from classics to the latest releases.
Film reviews from Vince Leo, from classics to new releases, since 1996.