Tagged: Nick Cheung


Breaking News (2004)

Probably more interesting for being a Johnny To (Fulltime Killer, Love on a Diet) film than as a commentary on the manipulation of the media in keeping citizens compliant, Breaking News nevertheless does offer a few things...


Tricky Master (1999)

I may be willing to concede that some of the humor in The Tricky Master could not possibly be understood from an American rather than a Hong Kong perspective.  Some of the jokes seem to...


Conman in Tokyo (2000)

Conman in Tokyo is a guilty pleasure of sorts.  It’s a film that at its core is routine and predictable, yet is injected with such a spirit of fun and over-the-top style that it actually...


Conman 1999 (1998)

Why my review of this film seems to be the only negative one I can find is a mystery to me.  I’m actually quite surprised myself, since the other films stemming from the God of...