Tagged: Penelope Ann Miller


The Birth of a Nation (2016)

Nate Parker’s Birth of a Nation is based on real-life events that occurred in Virginia in 1831, where a slave named Nat Turner (Parker, Beyond the Lights) would lead a revolt against the white slave-owners. The film showcases...


Adventures in Babysitting (1987)

Adventures in Babysitting is Chris Columbus’s directorial debut, after years of screenwriting for such Spielberg-produced hits as Gremlins and The Goonies, putting his name on the map as a go-to director of broad family entertainment.  He more than borrows...


The Shadow (1994)

Walter B. Gibson’s famous long-dormant character of the 1930s gets a 1990s update, primarily fitting in the mold of other crime-fighting superhero efforts like Batman and Darkman, both characters whose artistic origins are influenced by the original...