Tagged: Peter Gallagher


Hello, My Name is Doris (2015)

Sally Field (The Amazing Spider-Man 2, Lincoln) reminds us why she’s earned two Oscars (other than because we really, really like her) with her sublime performance in Hello My Name is Doris, a comedy with surprising emotional...


The Underneath (1995)

Directed by Steven Soderbergh, the man responsible for such greats as Sex Lies and Videotape, Out of Sight, Erin Brockovich and Traffic, this is one of his earlier works, and falls under the “Hidden Gem” category for you seekers...


The Player (1992)

Tim Robbins (Cadillac Man, Tapeheads) plays hotshot Hollywood studio exec Griffin Mill, who believes that he may soon be on the outs with the studio now that they’ve hired another up-and-comer in Larry Levy (Gallagher, Sex...


Short Cuts (1993)

I’d like to say that I understand what Short Cuts is all about and Altman’s intent on this vignette-style film featuring several different interconnected storylines that jump between each other every minute or two.  Frankly,...


Mr. Deeds (2002)

I’ve endured some Adam Sandler stench-fests before to be sure —  Billy Madison, Big Daddy, Little Nicky — hell, I didn’t even care for the one most people seem to like: The Wedding Singer.  I mentally braced myself going into...


While You Were Sleeping (1995)

Director Jon Turteltaub has had a nice career for himself making sweet-natured films with heart, and While You Were Sleeping is a prime example. Of course, it’s hard to go wrong with Sandra Bullock  in a...


American Beauty (1999)

Lester Burnham (Spacey) hits his midlife crisis when his job is in jeopardy, his wife (Bening) won’t have sex with him, and his daughter (Birch) despises him. His new neighbors include an ultra-right-wing nut (Cooper) and...


Sex Lies and Videotape (1989)

Disturbing but ultimately riveting look into the lives of four people:  Ann (MacDowell), John (Gallagher), Cynthia (San Giacomo), and Graham (Spader).  Ann and John are married but John is sleeping with Ann’s sister, Cynthia.  Graham...


The Man Who Knew Too Little (1997)

Bill Murray plays an annoying American video store clerk who travels to England to visit his brother (Gallagher) on his birthday. The brother does not want him botching an important business meeting with his presence,...