Tagged: philadelphia


Shazam! (2019)

Billy Batson is a trouble-making fourteen-year-old living in a foster home in Philadelphia, having been abandoned by a young mother he’s been searching for since she left him at a crowded carnival many years...


Glass (2019)

Glass serves as a sequel to two films from M. Night Shyamalan, 2000’s Unbreakable and 2018’s Split, the latter of which tied itself to the former with the post-end title stinger. Bruce Willis makes his return as...


Creed (2015)

I went out on a bit of a limb in proclaimingFruitvale Station the best film of 2013.  It was the debut film of previously unknown director Ryan Coogler, and yet, no other film moved me...


The Happening (2008)

If I had thought, even for one second, that writer-director M. Night Shyamalan was making a spoof of end-of-the-world sci-fi thrillers from the 1950s, I might give The Happening much more credit than I’ll be...


Rocky (1976)

The inspiration for Rocky came on March 24, 1975. Struggling actor and writer Sylvester Stallone attended a closed-circuit presentation in a Los Angeles movie theater of Chuck Wepner fighting Muhammad Ali. Wepner was a...


10th & Wolf (2006)

Inspired by a true story (aka 99% fiction), 10th and Wolf derives its title from the names of the streets that cross in the predominantly Italian neighborhood in Philadelphia where the main characters of the...


Lady in the Water (2006)

Although M. Night Shyamalan is a very talented writer and director, his films are becoming progressively more ambitious, and unfortunately, progressively tricky to suspend disbelief in.  Lady in the Water is his most ambitious film yet,...