Catching Fire is the much-anticipated follow-up to the wildly popular The Hunger Games, based on the young adult book series by Suzanne Collins. With the new film comes a new director, Francis Lawrence, who gives us...
Scent of a Woman is most notable for being the film that finally brought Al Pacino (Glengarry Glen Ross, Dick Tracy) an Oscar. While he has done roles that have been far more deserving of such...
Set mostly in 1950, Joaquin Phoenix (Walk the Line, Ladder 49) stars as Freddie Quell, an alcoholic and Navy vet of WWII suffering from rage-fueled psychological torment, who goes on a strange odyssey where he...
Incredible sounds and special effects are the big draws in this popular popcorn movie attraction, and it’s a good thing they are worth the price of the viewing, as the in-between banter among the...
I’ll preface this review with an admission. I do feel a bit guilty about giving the third Mission: Impossible movie as high a rating as I do. After giving the matter a great deal of consideration,...
It’s not quite a biography about famous writer Truman Capote so much as a biographical account of the making of his most famous work, In Cold Blood, during the 1960s. It would be a landmark...
It took me some time to finally be able to sit all the way through Cold Mountain, despite several attempts. Some of this had to do with the fact that at 155 minutes, it’s quite...
After watching Spike Lee’s latest joint, 25th Hour, one might begin to suspect Spike has a lot of ideas and an inability to stick with any one of them for very long. Every scene is just...
I came out of watching Punch-Drunk Love with a mixture of feelings, some of which I may never sort out. They are mixed in part because it is easily the best work in Adam Sandler’s not-too-varied...
There are so many reasons people may not care to see Red Dragon, the latest film in the Hannibal Lecter trilogy adapted from Thomas Harris’ bestselling series, that it actually amazes me that someone would...
About Qwipster
Reviews from film writer Vince Leo, covering all eras and genres of films from classics to the latest releases.