Tagged: play


Bullets Over Broadway (1994)

It’s the 1920s, the Jazz Age in New York.  Struggling intellectual playwright David Shayne (Cusack, The Grifters) finally has the chance to earn his first Broadway production, but to have the finances to see his dream...


Stage Beauty (2004)

Adapted by Jeffrey Hatcher from his own stage play, “Compleat Female Stage Beauty”, Stage Beauty spins a tale of Ned Kynaston (Crudup), one of the most famous, and one of the last, male actors who...


Get Over It (2001)

The unfortunate thing about most teen comedies is that 99% of them are content to stick to a tried and true formula rather than tell a compelling tale of teen angst and heartbroken romance....


The Producers (1968)

What makes The Producers such one of the best comedies ever isn’t just the fact that it’s funny.  It’s absolutely inspired.  When you hear the plot, you can pretty much guess from the start things aren’t...