Tagged: Queen Latifah


Jungle Fever (1991)

Spike Lee (Clockers, He Got Game) tackles the racism issue head on once again with his provocative drama, Jungle Fever, which deals with the complications of an interracial relationship in the racially charged environs of metropolitan...


House Party 2 (1991)

The surprise hit House Party earned a sequel one year later, continuing the adventures of rappers Kid n Play after they’ve just graduated high school.  Kid (Reid) is off to college, the same one as...


Last Holiday (2006)

Last Holiday remakes the 1950 classic in typically contrived Hollywood fashion, ratcheting up the cuteness factor, while plausibility and any sense of subtlety are largely absent for the duration.  What it does have is...


Taxi (2004)

Taxi is a Hollywood remake of the slickly produced French film of the same name by Luc Besson.  What was implausible in the older film becomes absurd to the point of insult in this way-over-the-top...


Bringing Down the House (2003)

Bringing Down the House isn’t so much a romantic comedy as it is a buddy movie, with all of the formulaic comic devices that the term has come to be defined as over the...


The Bone Collector (1999)

Perhaps the biggest problem with the faceless killer gimmick is that when you finally see who the perpetrator is, more often than not  the revelation sinks the film from being effective to laughably ludicrous. The...