Tagged: robot


Transformers: Age of Extinction (2014)

It’s becoming more difficult by this fourth entry in the Transformers series to criticize it when it delivers exactly what its fans expect, namely, incessant explosions, sparkly bits, gratuitous cheesecake, and a plot and dialogue written...


The World’s End (2013)

Simon Pegg (Star Trek Into Darkness, Mission Impossible 4) stars as Gary King, the hot punker whose peak of popularity came from his high school days, after which his life just could never get on...


Surrogates (2009)

Surrogates is based on Robert Venditti’s comic book miniseries from 2005, which depicts a futuristic society in which the military has conducted wars through the use of “surrogates”, or humanoid robots that are fully controlled...


9 (2009)

9 is the full-length version of director Shane Acker’s 11-minute mostly dialogue-less computer-animated short film from 1995 that went on to garner an Academy Award nomination.  Producer Tim Burton became a fan of Acker’s vision...


Moon (2009)

Moon probably works best the less you know about it. While I do feel my review doesn’t spoil the film, I would recommend saving reading anything after the next paragraph until after you’ve viewed the...


Hellboy II: The Golden Army (2008)

With Hellboy II: The Golden Army, writer-director Guillermo del Toro (Blade II, Mimic) continues his tradition of making visually magnificent spectacles that succeed not just through gorgeous eye candy, but by giving his characters the room to...


Runaway (1984)

Sometime in the near future, robots have become common household appliances and machines used in every facet of the business.  As advanced as technology can sometimes be, that doesn’t stop the occasional robot from...


Bicentennial Man (1999)

The great science fiction writer, Isaac Asimov, is among my favorite authors, and I have been surprised by the dearth of movie adaptations of his work, especially from someone as prolific, popular and influential.  Bicentennial...


Agent Cody Banks (2003)

While it’s not going to score any points for originality, Agent Cody Banks almost has enough energy and charm to make you overlook its considerable flaws.  You can pretty much guess how it’s all going to...


Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me (1999)

Funnier and more cohesive than the first outing, Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery, it also suffers from the same weaknesses. Lots of bathroom humor, penis and breast jokes, and playing around with popular culture,...