Tagged: rock band


Bohemian Rhapsody (2018)

Taking its title from what has become Queen’s most defining song, Bohemian Rhapsody is a biopic docudrama that examines the professional and personal life of Freddie Mercury, from his humble origins to becoming the...


Ricki and the Flash (2015)

Ricki Rendazzo (Streep, The Giver) is the lead singer of the house cover band at a small bar in Tarzana, California.  It’s not enough to pay the bills these days, so during the day, she can...


Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (2010)

The big screen adaptation of the cult-y Bryan Lee O’Malley comic book is, like its print counterpart, a mash-up of teen pop culture obsessions infused into a young romance storyline. Scott Pilgrim Vs. the World works...


Rock Star (2001)

Chalk this up as another in Vince’s seemingly never-ending list of guilty pleasures.  I suppose it should be said that a great deal of why I give Rock Star as good a review as I...


Almost Famous (2000)

It’s hard to believe the budget for ALMOST FAMOUS was $60 million when you consider the fact that the film has no big name stars or special effects like SPACE COWBOYS, which had about the same budget....