Tagged: Saffron Burrows


Wing Commander (1999)

No, the title doesn’t refer to the guy that takes the chicken wings out of the fryer at KFC, although if they can call a Subway employee a “Sandwich Artist” or a Starbucks employee...


Lovelife (1997)

Alternating between pithy and smarmy, Lovelife is first-time writer-director Jon Harmon Feldman’s attempt to marry the ensemble character appeal of TV’s “Friends” with an introspective look at relationships akin to Woody Allen.  Although it never really...


The MatchMaker (1997)

The MatchMaker is a very by-the-numbers rom-com (despite the tagline of it being a romantic comedy for people who don’t like them) that is only modestly successful for genre fans because it embraces the tried-and-true...


Deep Blue Sea (1999)

If there’s one thing Hollywood needs to learn is that Jaws is the definitive shark terror movie. There has never been another remotely close to being as good and there probably never will be. Deep Blue Sea is...