Tagged: salesman


Big Eyes (2014)

Tim Burton (Dark Shadows, Alice in Wonderland) surely must have heard many of his casting choices in films over the years, with a plethora of young actresses with pasty skin and big eyes, as reminiscent...


Cedar Rapids (2011)

Ed Helms plays Tim Lippe, an insurance salesperson who lived a highly sheltered life in a small town in Wisconsin. The insurance company’s top salesman (Lennon) suffers a fatal accident that showcases him as a...


Stay Tuned (1992)

I think just about everyone has imagined what it might be like to be sucked into the fantasy world of their own television, appearing on their own favorite shows, rubbing shoulders with their favorite...


A Walk in the Clouds (1995)

Director Alfonso Arau made a splash with his previous effort, 1992’s Like Water for Chocolate, and he returns to the whimsical romance genre for the English language A Walk in the Clouds, mostly to lesser but...


Glengarry Glen Ross (1992)

Although David Mamet’s adapted play Glengarry Glen Ross offers an often fascinating brief look into the world of high-pressure real estate salesmen, it’s mostly just a showcase for some terrific acting and smart dialogue.  If...


The Big Kahuna (1999)

Based on Roger Rueff’s stage play “Hospitality Suite” (which he adapts for the big screen himself), this tells the story of one night in a hotel hospitality suite with three lubricant salesman attending a...


Fight Club (1999)

Anytime something brilliant and weird comes out, the lamest of lame critics bandy about terms like “masterpiece” and “genius”, as if they are trying to ride some wave for the future so people don’t...