Tagged: Sam Raimi


Army of Darkness (1992)

Army of Darkness represents the third and (so far) final entry in the Evil Dead trilogy by Sam Raimi (Darkman, The Quick and the Dead), further continuing the trend away from the more straightforward horror of The Evil Dead and...


The Evil Dead (1981)

Sam Raimi’s directorial debut, The Evil Dead, is one in which the target audience, i.e., lovers of good ol’ gory horror flicks, will relish every second of, while your casual moviegoer with a passing interest may...


The Hudsucker Proxy (1994)

Though set in the late 1950s, this comic fantasy concoction by the Coen Brothers (Barton Fink, Blood Simple), as well as co-screenwriter Sam Raimi (Darkman, Spider-Man 3), owes much more to the screwball comedies of the...


Spider-Man 3 (2007)

In this third installment of the popular superhero franchise, Peter Parker (Maguire, Seabiscuit) is all set to pop the question to the love of his life, Mary Jane Watson (Dunst, Marie Antoinette).  Unfortunately, every time he gets...


Spider-Man 2 (2004)

Spider-Man 2 is a bit of an oddity for an action-packed superhero summer blockbuster.  Perhaps no other in the genre has ever bothered devoting so much effort into character development, which is quite the gamble...


Darkman (1990)

Reportedly, director Sam Raimi wanted to film the old comic hero, The Shadow, but couldn’t get the rights, so he created a darker, more bleak version in Darkman.  It’s much darker than its big-screen predecessor...


Spider-Man (2002)

Initially, it was somewhat of a disappointment to hear that what once was supposed to be a James Cameron project would eventually digress into the hands of Sam “Evil Dead” Raimi.  Raimi was the...


The Quick and the Dead (1995)

A lady gunslinger (Stone) enters a town in the grip of a powerful and merciless killer (Hackman). While there, it’s decided for several people in the town to have a “drawing” competition, where two of...


For Love of the Game (1999)

Kevin Costner plays future Hall of Fame pitcher named Billy Chapel, in the twilight of his career, who has one last game left to go before his probable retirement. During the game, he flashes...


A Simple Plan (1998)

Thrillers. It’s what we call movies that try to reel you in to an intricate, edge-of-your-seat plot and dazzle you with twists and turns to keep you guessing what will happen next. Typically thrillers...