Tagged: San Francisco


Magnum Force (1973)

As long as you aren’t expecting this follow-up to Dirty Harry to live up to the style, influence, and thematic resonance of its predecessor, Magnum Force delivers the goods to action movie junkies, as well as Eastwood’s myriad...


Dirty Harry (1971)

“Dirty” Harry Callahan (Eastwood, Kelly’s Heroes) is among the most disgruntled of San Francisco’s police force. He doesn’t like the fact that criminals seem to have more rights afforded to them than their victims. Now a...


Cocaine and Blue Eyes (1983)

Based on the novel by Fred Zackel, made for NBC by O.J.’s production house, Cocaine and Blue Eyes marks an attempt at a modern noir private investigator flick, complete with voice-over narration, damsels in distress,...


Vertigo (1958)

Vertigo is my favorite movie of all time. It’s a mesmerizing psychological thriller that beguiles on multiple levels and has come to be known as the film that most reveals the man behind the camera,...


The Rock (1996)

Those who read my site regularly will know that I have little respect for Michael Bay’s style of direction and even less for mega-producer Jerry Bruckheimer’s bloated, mind-numbing, explosion-ridden action flicks.  You may be surprised...


Foul Play (1978)

Foul Play marks the second of two Colin Higgins screenplays to liberally lift plots straight from the works of Alfred Hitchcock, then wrap it up in 70s comic style, Silver Streak being the other.  Call this The 39...


Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner (1967)

Although some see Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner as a dated film, I think it’s unfair to regard it as such.  Perhaps it carries more weight during the time of its release, where bigotry was much...


The Woman in Red (1984)

Gene Wilder plays Teddy Pierce, a married San Francisco businessman that fancies having a fling with a gorgeous model (LeBrock) he has had an infatuation with.  Overcome with conflicting emotions of guilt and lust, he...


Hulk (2003)

“You’re making me angry.  You wouldn’t like me when I’m angry.” Oh yes, we would, Bruce!  It’s about the only time we do like you, as without the few scenes where we get to...