Tagged: scandal


Primary Colors (1998)

John Travolta (Face/Off, Phenomenon) plays Governor Jack Stanton — well, actually, he plays Governor Bill Clinton, in this very loose portrayal of Clinton’s rise to grab the Democratic nomination in 1992. Along the way, there...


Wag the Dog (1997)

Eleven days before the election, the incumbent president is accused of having sex with a girl scout (of sorts) spelling doom for what would otherwise have been a landslide victory. Enter Conrad Brean (De...


All the President’s Men (1976)

All the President’s Men is the well-known dramatic account about the cracking of the Watergate scandal and the reporters who scooped it, Woodward (Redford, Three Days of the Condor) and Bernstein (Hoffman, Agatha) of the Washington Post. What started...