Tagged: Scott Adkins


Doctor Strange (2016)

Benedict Cumberbatch stars as New York-based neurosurgeon, Dr. Stephen Strange (Cumberbatch, Zoolander 2), a big shot at his profession with as big an ego to flaunt. He has a level of cocky, self-satisfied smarm not...


Criminal (2016)

It’s perhaps fitting that the generically titled Criminal‘s plot centers around a man who is, literally, conflicted about who he is supposed to be when the film itself suffers from the same conflict.  Directed by...


The Brothers Grimsby (2016)

Sacha Baron Cohen (Les Miserables, The Dictator) continues his formula of crass, envelope-pushing comedies with The Brothers Grimsby (aka Grimsby outside of the US).  The formula consists of trying to elicit laughs through sheer outrageousness, absurdity, and lots and...