Tagged: secretary


Jungle Fever (1991)

Spike Lee (Clockers, He Got Game) tackles the racism issue head on once again with his provocative drama, Jungle Fever, which deals with the complications of an interracial relationship in the racially charged environs of metropolitan...


Batman Returns (1992)

I remember when I was much younger being completely entranced by this sequel to the mega-blockbuster, Batman, for its darkly complex, psychological world of gray-area shades of good vs. evil.  Watching it today, I wince...


Clockwatchers (1997)

Although not as funny as the “office comedy” predecessor, OFFICE SPACE, CLOCKWATCHERS scores more of its points by being more realistic in its absurd look at the trivialities of office life.  In so doing, it’s...


Psycho (1998)

Treading on some serious hallowed ground here, folks. Director Gus Van Sant decides he wants the certain fruitless endeavor of remaking a masterpiece. Talk about doomed from the start! A secretary is entrusted with...