Tagged: set in the 1930s


A Month by the Lake (1995)

Based on the novel by H.E. Bates, A Month by the Lake derives most of its pleasures around the likability of its stars and situations.  It’s not quite up to the period piece standards set by...


Road to Perdition (2002)

Following up an Academy Award winner isn’t an easy thing to do as a director, as the expectation level rises immensely. This is even more true when that Oscar-winner is also your first directorial...


The Green Mile (1999)

After creating what was, in my opinion, the best film of the Nineties in his first time at the helm, now years later writer-director Frank Darabont has the impossible task of topping himself in...


The Thirteenth Floor (1999)

A computer genius (Bierko) creates a company to invent a virtual world where people can travel into, and which resembles 1937 America in detail. But while going into his virtual world, he discovers something important...


Bonnie and Clyde (1967)

Bonnie and Clyde is based on a notorious but true story.  The events are set in the 1930s, dealing with a recently released bank robber, Clyde Barrow (Warren Beatty, Heaven Can Wait) who hooks up with a...


Rouge (1987)

In the 1930s, a young and popular prostitute named Fleur catches the eye of an heir to a chain of groceries, 12th Master Chan. He does what he can to win her over, and...