Tagged: snuff film


Vacancy (2007)

David (Wilson) and Amy (Beckinsale) are a bitterly bickering couple whose marriage is on the skids, detouring down a windy rural road for hours, completely lost. When car troubles force them off the road, they have...


Mute Witness (1995)

Although credited by many critics as a suspenser in the Hitchcock tradition, Mute Witness owes more to the works of Brian De Palma’s slash-and-gash homages to the Master than to Hitch himself. The film starts off...


8MM (1999)

A small-time private eye (Cage) is hired by a wealthy widow (Carter) to learn the secret to a short 8mm film found in her deceased husband’s safe. It appears to be a snuff film featuring the...


Videodrome (1983)

The plot: A co-owner of a small uhf station seeks something more daring to show to attract more viewers. He and one of his staff stumble on a show emitted out of Pittsburgh called...