Tagged: Sofia Coppola


Marie Antoinette (2006)

Sofia Coppola writes and directs this very revisionist piece on one of France’s most famous of queens, Marie-Antoinette.  Interestingly, for such a popular historical figure, there is a dearth of biographical films about her life...


The Virgin Suicides (1999)

Based on the book by Jeffrey Eugenides, the setting is the 1970s, where a suburban family — mom, dad, and five sisters — come to an untimely demise.  The details aren’t spelled out. although...


Lost in Translation (2003)

Ten years before the release of Lost in Translation, Bill Murray opted to star in a light romantic comedy, Groundhog Day, and although I’m a big fan of Murray’s schmoozy slapstick flicks, I just shook my head when...