Tagged: Spike Jonze


Her (2013)

Set in Los Angeles in the near future, Her is Spike Jonze’s science fiction-comedy-romance-drama satire which follows a lonely, separated man named Theodore Twombly (Phoenix, The Master), who spends his days working as a writer of “heartfelt”...


Adaptation. (2002)

I have to be honest here.  After being completely mesmerized by the first hour or so of the latest Charlie Kaufman/Spike Jonze collaboration, Adaptation, I had a notion it would easily be my favorite film of...


Being John Malkovich (1999)

If, as Andy Warhol quipped, everyone is famous for 15 minutes, why does it have to also cost $200?! Perhaps the most original comedy to come out in the 90s, Being John Malkovich is another in...