Tagged: Stanley Tucci


The Terminal (2004)

Steven Spielberg follows up one of his lighter films, Catch Me If You Can, with an even frothier affair in The Terminal, another film inspired by a true story catapulted to the realm of the fantastic through...


Prelude to a Kiss (1992)

Prelude to a Kiss is a film that is difficult to recommend, for the very simple reason that it contains a surprise in the story that you’ll either love or you’ll hate, depending on...


The Daytrippers (1996)

The Daytrippers stars Hope Davis as Eliza, who one day finds an anonymous letter addressed to her husband (Tucci), seemingly romantic in nature. Although her marriage seems to be fine, she consults with her family...


Road to Perdition (2002)

Following up an Academy Award winner isn’t an easy thing to do as a director, as the expectation level rises immensely. This is even more true when that Oscar-winner is also your first directorial...


A Life Less Ordinary (1997)

A Life Less Ordinary marks the third straight collaboration between director Danny Boyle, screenwriter John Hodge, and budding superstar Ewan McGregor, following on the heels of their critically acclaimed offbeat films, Trainspotting and Shallow Grave.  It would...


Big Night (1996)

There’s been quite a few good films revolving around the preparation and consumption of food, and as fine as those other films are, Big Night deserves a place right along with them.  It isn’t the food...