Tagged: Stephen Elliott


Assassination (1987)

Charles Bronson (Love and Bullets, Once Upon a Time in the West) stars as Jay ‘Killy’ Killion, the chief Secret Service agent charged with the protection of the new First Lady of the United...


Beverly Hills Cop (1984)

In the mid-1970s, Don Simpson relocated to Beverly Hills for a job developing films for Paramount Pictures. A mechanic’s son from Anchorage, Alaska, Simpson felt out of place residing among the wealthy elite. After...


Cutter’s Way (1981)

Originally released under the book’s title of Cutter and Bone, Cutter’s Way is a film that has a purposely unfocused way of telling a story, languishing in some scenes in lackadaisical fashion, and as such, it...


Death Wish (1974)

Death Wish succeeds more as an anti-liberal backlash than as a movie, with an engaging premise of a conscientious objector who takes up arms in the streets of New York City when he finds that...


Eye of the Beholder (1999)

Eye of the Beholder is the perfect example of why it’s a disaster to try to make an art film out of a standard thriller. Stephan Elliott, acclaimed for his work on The Adventures of...