Tagged: Steve Coogan


The Secret Life of Pets (2016)

Upon first glance, The Secret Life of Pets would seem like a take-off on Pixar’s Toy Story series, using pets instead of toys to show the world of individual hobbies and collective adventures the characters would go in...


Minions (2015)

Minions proves that a flavorful and well-used spice can turn a good meal to great, but that doesn’t mean it would make for a good main course.  The Minions of the title refer to the...


Hot Fuzz (2007)

A distinctly British rural murder mystery flick if injected with a Hollywood action extravaganza mentality, this is one semi-parody of bad thrillers that takes its main joke too far. Hot Fuzz might meet the entertainment quotient...


Marie Antoinette (2006)

Sofia Coppola writes and directs this very revisionist piece on one of France’s most famous of queens, Marie-Antoinette.  Interestingly, for such a popular historical figure, there is a dearth of biographical films about her life...


Around the World in 80 Days (2004)

Very loosely based on the classic Jules Verne novel, and made into a movie more than once already (most notably in 1956 with David Niven), Around the World in 80 Days is an old-fashioned adventure in...